Qualified freelance
help deliver
the quality insights your
business needs

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Benefit from the advantages of our
technology for your research tasks

From lead research to mystery shopping, our technology can help
you find the ideal freelancer for your needs

Automated matching

Our AI-driven technology helps you find the most qualified researchers for your projects, through automated, skill-based matching. This saves you time and money.

Full flexibility & speed

Hire a team from 1 to 1,000 freelancers to start immediately on your tasks. On average, each work order published by a client is accepted by a freelancer on our platform, within 28 minutes.

Quality assurance

Only qualified freelancers can accept your work assignments, thanks to our proprietary skill-based matching algorithm that analyzes over 5,000 unique data points.

Streamlined recruitment

Thanks to near-total automation, our platform can help reduce and even eliminate the time-consuming aspects of finding and working with freelancers.

Find researchers for your projects today



The right solution for every project

From junior to mid-level and senior–we have all the bases covered

Julia M.

from $33/h

Top rated results


Hours worked


Average revisions needed 1.7
Responsiveness Medium
Tom A.

From $61/h

Top rated results


Hours worked


Average revisions needed 0.9
Responsiveness Medium
Best Quality
Thomas S.

From $88/h

Top rated results


Hours worked


Average revisions needed 0.5
Responsiveness Medium

Find out why over 5,000
customers already trust us.

Car dealership research


Task: researching the response time of car dealerships to contact requests

Figuring out the speed of response to test drive requests is a great gauge of how responsive and customer-centric a car dealership is. Our client wanted to assess response time for a number of different car dealerships. 39 freelancers were brought on board, and it took them 3 weeks to process over 2,000 individual requests across multiple channels, and report on the results.


  • Assembled a team of 39 freelancers
  • Selection of suitable car dealers
  • Billing on one invoice


  • Time frame: 3 week

  • Team: 39 freelancers


Since partnering with WorkGenius, our firm has seen a dramatic increase in productivity and client satisfaction. We couldn't be happier with the results!

WorkGenius has been a game-changer for our business. Their technology has allowed us to stay competitive and thrive in a rapidly evolving industry.

WorkGenius solves all my issues. We are very happy with the quality of the results. The design was perfectly aligned to our brand guidelines and the final product was ready within 24 hours of posting the projects online.

WorkGenius is a fantastic resource for me and my team. We can trap into our freelancer team in the cloud at any time and get a great result back within 1-2 days. This is extremely helpful for our growth.

Up until this point, 35% of my time as a freelancer had been eaten up with administrative tasks. With WorkGenius, it's down to under 10%.

It's great to have a team of Geniuses that supports me at any time. I'm super happy with the WorkGenius Freelance Solution and the quality and turnaround time of the results.

Any questions?

How many and what attributes can I expect in lead research?

The lead research can be as extensive as you need it to be. The attributes are freely selectable and are reliably researched by our qualified freelance researchers.

Can I also have keywords and product attributes researched?

Yes. Any type of research that can be done remotely is possible.

Can I reach specific target groups with WorkGenius?

Thanks to our proprietary technology and a large pool of talented freelancers, it is possible to target more specialized groups. If you have any difficulty reaching the right freelancers, our key account managers would be happy to assist you.

How is the confidentiality of freelancers legally regulated?

All WorkGenius freelancers must opt in to and accept our standard confidentiality agreement. This means when you hire someone through our platform, your interests and rights are immediately protected.