We find the best
freelancers fast

Trusted by

Find the right freelancers

Say goodbye to time-consuming recruitment!

WorkGenius’ technology analyzes your projects for success criteria and automatically matches them with qualified candidates. You never have to click through hundreds of portfolios or go through lengthy negotiations again.

  • Verified and vetted professionals
  • Variety of services
  • ProjectWizard
  • Fully automated matching
  • One click to accept projects

Rigorous vetting leads to the best talent

  • Flexible & scalable: Create teams of 1 to 1000 freelancers.

  • Variety of services: Freelancers from a broad range of services are registered on our platform; our technology will always find the right freelancer for every project.

  • Safe: All freelancers in the WorkGenius workforce are verified.

Automated skill-based matching

  • Fast: Projects can be shared with matched freelancers within a minute, so they can start work immediately.

  • Quality guaranteed: Thanks to skill-based matching, only qualified freelancers are allowed to accept your project.

  • Anti-discrimination safeguards: Our technology removes personal details such as name, gender, or origin. The result: a more streamlined approach to hiring the best talent for your project, based solely on merits.

Use Cases

Below are just some of the ways in which we can help you.

Extend Your Teams

Aenean sit amet dui condimentum, suscipit dolor nec, faucibus risus.

Add Missing Expertise

Proin et justo ut tellus malesuada semper sit amet id libero.

Bridge The Gap Between Hires

Vestibulum hendrerit ante vehicula, tincidunt tellus non, vulputate magna.

Kick Off A Project

Maecenas gravidelit a mauris condimentum condimentum.

Clients which already use WorkGenius:

We cover all sorts of remote, highly-
specialized freelancing

Film & Post Production

Data Management

Accounting & Finance

Creative & Design

HR & Admin

IT & Development

Marketing & Communication


Research & Analytics

Project Management


Since partnering with WorkGenius, our firm has seen a dramatic increase in productivity and client satisfaction. We couldn't be happier with the results!

WorkGenius has been a game-changer for our business. Their technology has allowed us to stay competitive and thrive in a rapidly evolving industry.

WorkGenius solves all my issues. We are very happy with the quality of the results. The design was perfectly aligned to our brand guidelines and the final product was ready within 24 hours of posting the projects online.

WorkGenius is a fantastic resource for me and my team. We can trap into our freelancer team in the cloud at any time and get a great result back within 1-2 days. This is extremely helpful for our growth.

Up until this point, 35% of my time as a freelancer had been eaten up with administrative tasks. With WorkGenius, it's down to under 10%.

It's great to have a team of Geniuses that supports me at any time. I'm super happy with the WorkGenius Freelance Solution and the quality and turnaround time of the results.

Save time and money when you recruit and hire through WorkGenius

Overview of our features

Access to Workforce

The WorkGenius platform has over 350,000 registered freelancers worldwide (mainly in the EU and US) who carry out a variety of tasks for clients, helping them achieve success.

Verification steps

All freelancers registered on our platform go through a multi-level verification process where we confirm their identity, experience, skills, and competencies.

Automated, skill-based matching

Our skill-based matching saves you a lot of time and effort. Our technology analyzes your briefings and translates them into key points that are matched to qualified candidates. Freelancers are qualified by their skills, then checked for availability, so they can start working on your project without delay.


Book-a-Genius is a feature that allows you to handle complex projects with ease–especially when the details of the project aren't always available from the start. You book a candidate on a daily basis, and then exchange information with them in your own private workspace.

Brief Generator

Unclear or imprecise briefings are a leading cause of poor project outcomes. With our intelligent brief generator, you can create airtight briefs in the shortest possible time.

Briefing Templates

With over 250,000 briefings created through our system, we have a wealth of knowledge to draw from for our optimized briefing templates, which are available for you to adapt for your own projects.

Results-oriented approach

By taking into account a candidate's skillset and past performance, we're able to ensure that your projects are matched with the ideal freelancer. It's an integral part of our results-oriented approach to delivering success.

Individual Briefings

Save and reuse past briefs, to accelerate the time to project kick off.

Statistical twins

We've analyzed over 5 billion data points to identify "statistical twins"–these are candidates who are likely to deliver a similar level of performance to other freelancers who have delivered for our clients.

Automatic Pricing

How do you know how much to spend on freelance help? We've got you covered: our technology analyzes market rates as well as data from other similar projects to provide you with a starting point.


Prioritize urgent projects so they display prominently on candidates' proposed project list, leading to a high chance of acceptance.

No recruitment processes

Recruiting freelancers is time-consuming and expensive - that's why we handle it for you, so you can concentrate on other important facets of your business.

Verify who you're working with

No more fake profiles or second accounts–with our "Know Your Customer" or KYC check, we verify the identities of all our freelancers.